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beauty boost
47.00 €
Designed for women & men. Perfect your beauty from the inside out. Because beauty is your superpower.
Pack of 14 sachets, each containing 10.0 g of beauty boost.
In stock (can be backordered)
the secret of your radiant beauty
Love and care for your body: collagen, elastin, keratin, hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10, with lots of biotin, copper, selenium, silicon and zinc.
new health formula
Your body is your personal beauty guru! No one makes your beauty routine work better than your body.
Selfie filters are no longer needed: skin, hair and nails look their best with beauty boost. 💁♀️✨
take it properly
Drink up to twice a day, preferably with super boost or power boost.
Dissolve in 300-500 ml of water, juice, smoothie or warm tea and shake well.
tastes better together
super boost — is sourish
beauty boost — is sweetish
= Mix it for better taste and 100% collagen efficiency.
life i want ✕ beauty boost
Let’s face it – creams, shampoos or lotions, even if they are enriched with vitamins, collagen and hyaluronic acid, are only like the icing on the cake. It looks good, but the real magic happens inside the cake! These products only work on the surface of the skin, but not at the level at which the cells themselves are formed.
Natural beauty comes from within, and beauty boost is the key to the secret of your long-lasting radiance. beauty boost works throughout your body, because your body, as a true beauty expert, knows best where effective support is most needed. Give your body the necessary resources and it will make the best of them.
Let’s talk about the real stars: 7,000 mg of collagen together with elastin, keratin, coenzyme Q10 and hyaluronic acid.
These are the rejuvenation specialists. The only catch is that they start to decrease from the age of 25 because the body itself no longer produces enough of them (our genetics are to blame). beauty boost replenishes this deficiency and extends natural beauty.
Hydrolyzed Bioactive Collagen Peptides
7000 mg hydrolysed bioactive collagen peptides from Verisol per sachet.
A superhero who fights the signs of aging. Collagen is a natural protein that is needed primarily to strengthen the skin, but also the bones, joints, cartilage, tendons and connective tissue. If it is lacking, the skin changes, the connective tissue weakens, the complexion becomes less even and loses its youthful radiance.
Verisol — is a patented collagen with extremely small molecules for optimal absorption that rejuvenate and nourish the skin.
Collagen is the connective tissue in muscle meat. Minced meat contains about 25% protein, of which about 15% is collagen. This means that a 400-500 g portion of minced meat covers the daily requirement of collagen, but also leads to obesity.
A magical protein essential for the healthy functioning of the body. Elastin enables cells to bind and form biological tissue. Without elastin, our skin, lungs, blood vessels, connective tissue and some tendons and cartilage would not be able to function. Alongside collagen, elastin is primarily responsible for the maintenance and elasticity of our skin and is therefore collagen’s sparring partner. They work as a team that cannot be separated, because only together can they develop their superpowers.
It has been scientifically proven that the synthesis of elastin in our body stops after puberty. Symptoms that become more and more noticeable over time are: loss of skin tone, firmness and elasticity, and fatigue.
Together with collagen and elastin, keratin (the three musketeers) is an important component of the skin’s connective and supporting tissue. That is why it is also referred to as a structural protein. Keratins are fibrous proteins that give skin and hair strength and elasticity. Thanks to keratin, you can style your hair and bend it, comb it and twist it without it breaking. Keratin is also, as the Greek name (κέρατο = Horn) suggests, keratin is responsible for the formation of strong and healthy nails.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10
A multi-task worker in the cell factory. It supports metabolism (fat burning) and antioxidant protection against free radicals, repairs UV damage, heals wounds, has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes collagen elasticity in the skin.
Animal by-products contain the highest amount of coenzyme Q10. 100 g of beef heart contains 11.3 milligrams and beef liver 3.9 milligrams. You need about 200 milligrams a day to stay beautiful.
Hyaluronic acid
A DJ who creates a real aquadisco in the skin, which stores moisture and maintains elasticity. If hyaluronic acid is missing, the skin is as boring as a club without music, wrinkles, “orange peel skin” and cellulite develop.
Bone broth contains the highest amount of hyaluronic acid. You need to drink 5 liters per day to meet the daily requirement. beauty boost provides you with sufficient hyaluronic acid when the body reduces production, which starts as early as the 25th anniversary.
Sugar is the enemy of beauty and a toxin for the skin. Insulin is the bad servant that helps to cause maximum damage. Insulin spikes caused by high blood sugar levels lead to rapid skin aging. Today’s food culture is rich in sugar and wheat products, which cause insulin production to run at full speed and reach unhealthy peaks.
Inulin — is a protective shield that fends off sugar attacks and thus keeps your skin young and radiant.
It slows down digestion, especially of carbohydrates. This allows the sugar to be released more slowly and without a large release of insulin, which maintains healthy blood sugar levels and prevents rapid skin aging.
Silica or silicic acid, together with super boost amino acids, are professional builders of strong collagen fibrils from “building blocks” – hydrolyzed collagen peptides.
Collagen fibrils are found in bones, cartilage and joints, connective tissue, muscles and especially ligaments. They are responsible for the health and elasticity of the skin. The beauty boost and super boost brigade helps with joint pain and makes the skin firm.
Vitamin C
Vitamin Ester-С — a patented, super-activated form of vitamin C that is continuously released into the body for 24 hours and supports collagen formation.
It performs numerous tasks and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise, protects cells from oxidative stress, supports collagen formation and the function of blood vessels (bones, cartilage, gums, skin, teeth) and can reduce fatigue. It is also involved in the production of certain intermediate products and hormones and influences wound healing.
Vitamin B12
It plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes in the body, including the breakdown of fatty acids. Its central role in the metabolism of the vitamin folic acid (folate) also makes it important for blood formation and the development of neural pathways.
Sits in the traffic control center and helps our metabolism to run smoothly. It’s a shame that zinc doesn’t regulate traffic in the big city. The trace element supports the regulation of the acid-base balance, contributes to accident prevention and wound healing.
It ensures that your skin, hair and nails grow and remain healthy and strong.
This great solute plays an important role in collagen metabolism, brain and nerve function, bone structure, and skin and hair pigmentation. It also influences iron metabolism, oxygen transport and energy metabolism.
Biotin B7
Biotin B7
Metabolism turbocharger. Biotin not only keeps the brain fit, but also regulates blood sugar levels. Biotin combats heart problems, heart attacks and strokes and does not give thyroid and adrenal gland problems a chance. Biotin is also often referred to as the “beauty vitamin”. Biotin plays an important role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and supplies the skin with protective lipids via the sebaceous glands. Vitamin B7 also helps to maintain skin moisture.
Pantothenic acid B5
Pantothenic acid B5
The energy manager plays a central role in energy metabolism. A main character at the metabolism party, essential for the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, as well as for the production of fatty acids and steroid hormones.
Selenium is an important regulator of thyroid metabolism and is considered to boost the immune system. With its immune-stimulating effect, it not only protects against infections but also helps with the detoxification of heavy metals. In addition, selenium is said to have a protective effect on the liver.
Amino acid boosts
To incorporate these ingredients into the cells, the body also needs amino acids, which you get with super boost in the morning and power boost in the evening. beauty boost is not as effective without amino acids.
Biorado Sachet
Vitamins and other ingredients lose their potency and become rancid due to reactions with moisture, air and light. Each Beauty Boost is packaged in a light and airtight aluminum bag that preserves its quality. The aluminum packaging is impermeable to moisture, air and light, resistant to high and low temperatures, yet sterile and does not react with the contents. This distinguishes beauty boost from most well-known beauty complexes.
Hey, wait, there’s more ❤️🔥
Let’s shine on the catwalk with biorado! 😉💄👠 In combination with power boost and super boost, by supplying the necessary amino acids, minerals and vitamins to maintain the body’s own enzyme production, we guarantee you a VIP supply.
By filling the gaps with collagen, coenzyme Q10 and hyaluronic acid, it is as if we are working on nature itself – be prepared for the fact that even a fairy cannot work miracles and the effect is not immediately visible!
Beauty is your superpower!

beauty boost | Per sachet (10.0 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
Verisol® Collagen | Коллаген Verisol® | 7000 | |
Coenzym Q10 | Коэнзим Q10 | 200 | |
Hyaluronic acid | Гиалуроновая кислота | 100 | |
Creatine | Креатин | 80 | |
Elastin | Эластин | 75 | |
Inulin | Инулин | 75 | |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 64 | 80% |
Vitamin B5 | Витамин B5 | 5.97 | 100% |
Vitamin B7 | Витамин B7 | 1 | 2000% |
Vitamin B12 | Витамин B12 | 0.025 | 1000% |
Copper | Медь | 1 | 100% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.035 | 64% |
Silicia | Кремний | 30 | |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 1350 | |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 600 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sol de mer | Морская соль | 100 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 20 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 18 |

Triple kick! All three boosts in the combo set.
Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
Additional information
Weight | 0.4 kg |
Dimensions | 160 × 55 × 100 cm |
Коллаген из | Коллаген из говядины, Коллаген из рыбы |