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super boost
47.00 €
Unlock your maximum potential. Become a superhero of energy and motivation.
Pack of 14 sachets, each containing 15,8 g super boost.
In stock
more colorful life
It saves you the hassle of preparing healthy meals and finding fresh, quality products. After all, not everyone has the time and inclination to spend hours at the stove preparing a delicious and nutritious breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
new health formula
Contains amino acids that are essential for all processes in the body. Helps your body to become stronger. Additional minerals keep the metabolism at an optimal level, improve physical and mental performance and strengthen the immune system.
right intake
Dissolve in 300-500 ml of water, juice, smoothie or warm tea and shake well.
Start your day by taking the boosts 5-15 minutes before your first meal.
tastes better together
super boost — is sourish
beauty boost — is sweetish
= Mix it for better taste and 100% collagen efficiency.
life i want ✕ super boost
Before a rocket is launched into space, countless checks and tests are carried out.
The human body is much more complex and multi-layered than a rocket.
We, however, wake up, get ready and leave the house without thinking about how important it is to check our physical condition and make up for any deficits.
No wonder we couldn’t make it to the moon ourselves, or rather, we can do the best!
Enzymes — the unjustly forgotten heroes of our organism! They are responsible for our genetic program, cell structure, play an important role in biochemical reactions, and are at the center of all biological processes in the body.
We have a sneaking suspicion that you’re only wearing the superhero cloak in size XXS.
In short, enzymes are the architects of our body, building all cells: heart, skin, muscles, liver, mucous membranes and even cartilage.
Enzymes – special forces and bodyguards. Always ready to repair damaged DNA.
It’s a shame they can’t fix the broken phone of our SMM employee!
Enzymes – master chefs
The master chefs of the body prepare a masterpiece by breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins into the perfect brunch for our cells.
Enzymes – bodyguards
Bodyguards of the body, armed with the minerals: manganese, zinc and selenium. They ward off free radicals and participate in the work of the immune system.
Enzymes — courier services
Furthermore, enzymes also work as messengers and hormone producers. They are the body’s own courier service. Enzymes are considered to be the most effective anti-aging agents, because they have a positive influence on quality of life and youthfulness!
Special delivery: your daily dose of biorado enzymes!
Enzymes are synthesized from 9 essential and 12 non-essential amino acids.
A lack of amino acids has serious consequences.
Non-essential amino acids are synthesized in the body, but their production decreases with age. Life is a bitch.
Essential amino acids are obtained from food, and the need for them increases with age.
The daily requirement of essential amino acids for a body weight of 60 kg is (in grams per day):
- Cysteine and methionine: 200 g cashew nuts or brazil nuts / 150 g ham or 300 g 40% cottage cheese.
- Histidine: 70 g cooked ham or 90 g peanuts.
- Isoleucine: 100 g chicken fillet or 150 g seitan made from wheat protein (gluten).
- Leucine: 100 g sirloin steak or 150 g tuna.
- Lysine: 100 g salmon or 150 g tofu.
- Threonine: Simply eat oats, pearl millet, buckwheat, cheese/carrots or meat/fish/eggs regularly.
- Tyrosine and phenylalanine: 120 g of 50% brie cheese or 120 g of peas / 100 g of peanuts or lentils.
- Tryptophan: 50 g pumpkin seeds or 80 g cashew nuts.
- Valin: 2 eggs or 200 g seitan made from wheat protein (gluten).
Source: essential amino acid requirement.
Nutrients are our fuel, but nobody wants a boring diet. A monotonous diet is like a world without internet access.
Food should be tasty, nutritious and balanced. This is where biorado super boost comes in, providing all the essential amino acids for the smooth functioning of important bodily processes. 🔥🚀
Take off with super boost amino acids:
The maestro of blood supply. Arigin is like a GPS navigator for veins, ensuring smooth flow. It is responsible for improving blood flow, boosting muscle growth, supporting fat burning and increasing libido.
Personal metabolism trainer. The ideal training partner to make sure you don’t end up eating potato crisps all day. Carnitine plays a central role in metabolism and aids post-workout regeneration as well as preventing muscle soreness and tissue damage. Carnitine deficiency can lead to excessive weight gain.
The master of detoxification, cysteine defeats bacteria, alcohol and overdoses of medication. Cysteine is used as an antidote in cases of acetaminophen overdose. Together with zinc and vitamin B, cysteine protects nails and hair and thus prevents premature hair loss.
The bodyguard of the nervous system works with the multifunctional histamine molecule. Histamine controls the immune system, regulates gastric secretion and controls the reproductive processes. Histidine also protects against the effects of radiation and heavy metals, which accumulate under unfavorable environmental conditions.
An ultra-cool blood sugar regulator. Under its influence, blood sugar is also stabilized during exercise. In the body, isoleucine is mainly found in the muscles and thus promotes their development.
The best friend of muscles. Leucine prevents muscles from breaking down after a workout and serves as an energy supplier. Leucine also stimulates insulin secretion, which gives the body more energy and regulates blood sugar levels.
Is the building material for collagen, which provides stability for the connective tissue in our body. This building block is involved in the formation of numerous important components, including enzymes, proteins for the transport of nutrients in the blood, antibodies and even hormones! In addition, lysine contributes to the formation of structures such as bones, skin, tendons and, of course, muscles.
Another important amino acid that serves as the basis for the formation of many other useful substances. It determines the production of dopamine, adrenaline and other neurotransmitters that affect our mood, concentration and even pain perception. Simply put, phenylalanine is your personal friend that puts you in a good mood and helps you feel better!
Proline is a unique amino acid and a building block of connective tissue that protects against the breakdown of collagen. In combination with collagen, proline gives the skin firmness and structure, promotes accelerated wound healing, strengthens blood vessel walls and relieves joint pain.
This amino acid will make your life a lot more pleasant! It plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system and improves digestion. Threonine protects your digestive system from damage and prevents fat accumulation in the liver.
Eat oats, pearl millet, buckwheat, cheese, fish, meat or eggs regularly. With threonine, you will feel a little happier thanks to its antidepressant effect! There is no threonine in super boost.
With tyrosine, our neurotransmitters work at full capacity! It increases the levels of dopamine, adrenaline and other important substances, which helps us to remember information better and to stay focused even in stressful situations.
A miraculous amino acid that regulates mood and appetite, ensures that we sleep well and wake up feeling rested. And most importantly, it helps us to beat pain! Tryptophan is very expensive… we don’t skimp, we’re generous!
An essential aid for our muscles and liver. Valine helps you absorb all essential amino acids faster and maintain optimal blood sugar levels.
Protects against free radicals. A health superhero that, when present in sufficient quantities, helps protect the body from villains such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, osteoarthritis and Alzheimer’s.
Vitamins D3 und K2
Cholecalciferol & Menaquinone
The dynamic duo, Batman & Robin, vitamin D3, also called the “sunshine vitamin”, and the “bone vitamin” K2, work together to increase calcium absorption and support strong bone structure and healthy teeth.
Imagine having your own personal detox ninja living inside you. He is faster than a cat, more accurate than an arrow and more toxic than all toxins. This little samurai disarms all enemy heavy metals with a sword.
Methionine protects your liver from acetaminophen overdose like a bodyguard from bullets. It also fights fat and transforms beer bellies into washboards (at least a little).
With methionine, your concentration will be sharper than a katana and your hair thicker than a bamboo forest.
Minerals are the vitamins of the earth and building materials for our bodies.
Minerals come from the earth’s interior, formed long before the dinosaurs began to exist.
Modern nutrition is counterproductive for our cells because it does not give them much that is useful to eat.
Today’s fruits and vegetables contain only a fraction of the minerals that they contained 20 years ago.
biorado super boost balances mineral deficiencies in the cells of your body.
Your energy is unbeatable with super boost:
This trace element transports vital oxygen in the bloodstream and is therefore essential for supplying the body’s cells with energy. Without iron, your express train will not reach its maximum speed.
Essential for building bones and teeth and for the normal functioning of nerves and muscles. The interaction of many enzymes in the body depends on magnesium. Magnesium is also responsible for calcium metabolism.
Another problem solver of the energy highway, which regulates the energy supply of the cells and plays an important role in the development of connective tissue, cartilage and bones.
Your personal antiviral shield that stimulates the formation of uric acid for metabolism. Molybdenum strengthens the immune system, has a bacteriostatic effect and thus makes the immune system resistant to unwanted bacteria.
This regulator is jointly responsible for maintaining osmotic pressure, electrolyte homeostasis and acid-base balance. Potassium also plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses and is therefore important for muscle contractions, heart function and blood pressure regulation.
Selenium is an important regulator of thyroid metabolism and is considered to boost the immune system. With its immunostimulatory effect, it not only protects against infections but also helps with the detoxification of heavy metals. In addition, selenium is said to have a protective effect on the liver.
It sits in the traffic control center and helps our metabolism to run smoothly. It’s a shame that zinc doesn’t regulate traffic in the city. The micronutrient supports the regulation of the acid-base balance, helps prevent accidents and promotes wound healing. It ensures that skin, hair and nails grow and remain healthy and strong.
Hey, wait, that’s not all yet ❤️????
This type keeps muscles toned and optimizes fluid balance. Taurine plays a role in physiological processes such as development, energy production, osmotic regulation and the formation of antioxidants.
The personal master of the mind is indispensable for anyone who is very mentally active and wants to improve their cognitive abilities. It plays an important role in the development of nerve cells and influences the release of messenger substances in the nerve cells and their communication with each other via special receptors and proteins. In addition, phosphatidylserine prevents cortisol from entering the cells.
This health fighter prevents radioactive elements from entering cells. Iodine is lost with salt when we sweat and must be replenished after activity. It regulates and promotes the normal production of thyroid hormones in the body and helps the thyroid gland to function properly. This micronutrient also contributes to normal cognitive function and normal energy metabolism.
Vitamin C
It performs numerous tasks and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical activity. It protects cells from oxidative stress, supports collagen formation and the function of blood vessels (bones, cartilage, gums, skin, teeth) and can reduce fatigue. Vitamin C is also involved in the production of certain intermediate products and hormones and influences wound healing.
Biorado Sachet
Vitamins and other ingredients lose their potency and become rancid due to reactions with moisture, air and light. Each serving of super boost is packaged in a light and airtight aluminum bag that preserves its quality. The aluminum packaging is impermeable to moisture, air and light, withstands high and low temperatures, is sterile and does not react with the contents. This sets super boost apart from most other supplements.

super boost | Per sachet (15.8 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
L-Arginine | L-аргинин | 900 | |
L-Carnitine | L-карнитин | 200 | |
L-Leucine EEA BCAA | L-лейцин EEA BCAA | 2000 | |
L-Isoleucine EEA BCAA | L-изолейцин EEA BCAA | 1000 | |
L-Valine EEA BCAA | L-валин EEA BCAA | 1000 | |
L-Lysine EEA | L-лизин EEA | 1400 | |
L-Phenilalynine EEA | L-фенилаланин EEA | 1100 | |
L-Proline | L-пролин | 1000 | |
L-Threonine EEA | L-треонин EEA | 700 | |
L-Methionine EEA | L-метионин EEA | 400 | |
L-Tryptophan EEA | L-триптофан EEA | 200 | |
Histidine | Гистодин | 900 | |
Lycopene | Ликопен | 2 | |
Phosphatidylserine | Фосфатидилсерин | 100 | |
Taurine | Таурин | 100 | |
Iron | Железо | 5 | 36% |
Magnesium | Магний | 100 | 27% |
Manganese | Марганец | 0.4 | 20% |
Molybdenum | Молибден | 0.03 | 60% |
Potassium | Калий | 300 | 15% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.02 | 36% |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Jod | Йод | 0.01 | 5% |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 50 | 63% |
Vitamin D3 | Витамин D3 | 0.02 | 400% |
Vitamin K2 | Витамин K2 | 0.035 | 47% |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 400 | |
Dextrose | Декстроза | 1043 | |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 869 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 13.2 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 8 |

Triple Kick! All three boosts in one combo set.
Though not required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.
Additional information
Weight | 0.4 kg |
Dimensions | 160 × 55 × 100 cm |