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boost combo
274.00 €
A new lifestyle for relaxation, strength, endurance, immunity and beauty.
The set contains super boost, beauty boost and power boost, with 28 sachets each for four weeks.
In stock (can be backordered)
holistic approach
With boost combo, you don’t have to think about which ingredients go together and which don’t.
You don’t need to have 100,500 different containers with different products and you don’t have to constantly monitor the intake times throughout the day. With boost combo, everything is easy, simple and manageable.
new health formula
The balanced formula is free from gluten, lactose, sucrose, GMOs, herbicides and pesticides, and meets the nutritional requirements for Paleo, keto and low-carb diets.
take it properly
Take one serving each morning on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before a meal. Dissolve super boost and beauty boost together in 300-500 ml of water, juice, smoothie or warm tea and shake well.
Take one serving of power boost every evening to improve your overall health and immunity. An additional serving after a workout or party is recommended..
tastes better together
super boost — is sourish
beauty boost — is sweetish
= Mix it for better taste and 100% collagen efficiency.
life i want ✕ boost combo
A meaningful gift for your loved ones.
The perfect incentive for you.
boost combo — is an investment in health, productivity and beauty with invaluable long-term benefits.
new lifestyle
People want a miracle pill for everything – and we are certainly no magicians – but time and technology do not stand still, and we are moving with them to improve the quality of life.
The three biorado boosts are easy and pleasant to take, thanks to their perfectly combined ingredients that achieve the best effect.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why individual power boost (depending on your activity) and beauty boost (depending on your age) allow you to adapt to your personal needs and your new lifestyle.

beauty boost | Per sachet (10.0 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
Verisol® Collagen | Коллаген Verisol® | 7000 | |
Coenzym Q10 | Коэнзим Q10 | 200 | |
Hyaluronic acid | Гиалуроновая кислота | 100 | |
Creatine | Креатин | 80 | |
Elastin | Эластин | 75 | |
Inulin | Инулин | 75 | |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 64 | 80% |
Vitamin B5 | Витамин B5 | 5.97 | 100% |
Vitamin B7 | Витамин B7 | 1 | 2000% |
Vitamin B12 | Витамин B12 | 0.025 | 1000% |
Copper | Медь | 1 | 100% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.035 | 64% |
Silicia | Кремний | 30 | |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 1350 | |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 600 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sol de mer | Морская соль | 100 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 20 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 18 |
super boost | Per sachet (15.8 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
L-Arginine | L-аргинин | 900 | |
L-Carnitine | L-карнитин | 200 | |
L-Leucine EEA BCAA | L-лейцин EEA BCAA | 2000 | |
L-Isoleucine EEA BCAA | L-изолейцин EEA BCAA | 1000 | |
L-Valine EEA BCAA | L-валин EEA BCAA | 1000 | |
L-Lysine EEA | L-лизин EEA | 1400 | |
L-Phenilalynine EEA | L-фенилаланин EEA | 1100 | |
L-Proline | L-пролин | 1000 | |
L-Threonine EEA | L-треонин EEA | 700 | |
L-Methionine EEA | L-метионин EEA | 400 | |
L-Tryptophan EEA | L-триптофан EEA | 200 | |
Histidine | Гистодин | 900 | |
Lycopene | Ликопен | 2 | |
Phosphatidylserine | Фосфатидилсерин | 100 | |
Taurine | Таурин | 100 | |
Iron | Железо | 5 | 36% |
Magnesium | Магний | 100 | 27% |
Manganese | Марганец | 0.4 | 20% |
Molybdenum | Молибден | 0.03 | 60% |
Potassium | Калий | 300 | 15% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.02 | 36% |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Jod | Йод | 0.01 | 5% |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 50 | 63% |
Vitamin D3 | Витамин D3 | 0.02 | 400% |
Vitamin K2 | Витамин K2 | 0.035 | 47% |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 400 | |
Dextrose | Декстроза | 1043 | |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 869 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 13.2 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 8 |
power boost | Per sachet (15.6 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
L-Cysteine | L-цистеин | 400 | |
L-Glutamin | L-глутамин | 2500 | |
L-Methionine | L-метионин | 5 | |
L-Phenylalanine | L-фенилаланин | 200 | |
L-Tryptophan | L-триптофан | 100 | |
L-Tyrosine | L-тирозин | 500 | |
Betaine | Бетаин | 420 | |
Creatine | Креатин | 2000 | |
Taurine | Таурин | 2000 | |
Coenzym Q10 | Коэнзим Q10 | 15 | |
Calcium | Кальций | 250 | 31% |
Choline | Холин | 100 | |
Chrome | Хром | 0.05 | 125% |
Copper | Медь | 1 | 100% |
Iron | Железо | 5 | 36% |
Magnesium | Магний | 150 | 40% |
Manganese | Марганец | 0.4 | 20% |
Molybdenum | Молибден | 0.05 | 100% |
Potassium | Калий | 300 | 15% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.02 | 37% |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Jod | Йод | 0.1 | 50% |
Vitamin A | Витамин А | 0.8 | 100% |
Vitamin B1 | Витамин B1 | 3 | 273% |
Vitamin B2 | Витамин B2 | 3.5 | 250% |
Vitamin B3 | Витамин B3 | 20 | 125% |
Vitamin B5 | Витамин B5 | 18 | 300% |
Vitamin B6 | Витамин B6 | 5 | 357% |
Vitamin B7 | Витамин B7 | 0.15 | 301% |
Vitamin B9 | Витамин B9 | 0.4 | 200% |
Vitamin B12 | Витамин B12 | 0.01 | 399% |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 250 | 313% |
Vitamin E | Витамин E | 36 | 300% |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 500 | |
Dextrose | Декстроза | 1526 | |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 1500 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 7.2 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 6 |
Additional information
Weight | 3 kg |
Dimensions | 400 × 250 × 120 cm |