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power boost
47.00 €
Full of energy and not burnt out after sports, parties and work.
Pack containing 14 sachet, each with 15,6 g power boost.
In stock (can be backordered)
your day is charged like a Formula 1 race
Taking it the night before improves concentration, balance and endurance. It harmonizes digestion and liver function. It provides the body with the essential amino acids, electrolytes, minerals and vitamins it needs for an energetic and alert day.
take it properly
Take daily in the morning (if no super boost) or better in the evening after work, additionally after sports or a party.
Dissolve in 300-500 ml of water, juice, smoothie or warm tea and shake well.
after sports
For muscle maintenance and growth, drink one serving immediately after exercise, and another serving 3 hours after exercise for very intense activities. Scientifically proven.
after the party
A power boost immediately after a party or before going to bed will save you from a hangover. A second portion the morning after and, if the party was very intense, another portion three hours later will invigorate you even after downing many shots.
life i want ✕ power boost
Daily to generally strengthen the body and increase its functional activity, to protect against free radicals and negative environmental influences, to maintain youth and active longevity.
+ as absorbent agent
Helps prevent hangovers, alleviates their symptoms and protects the body against the harmful effects of alcohol and its breakdown products.
Developed on behalf of athletes, workaholics, enthusiastic partygoers and other representatives of modern civilization.
Gives you an energy boost at any time of day (magnesium and B vitamins).
Supports immunity (vitamin C, zinc and other essential minerals and vitamins).
Revitalizes the body (the effectiveness of biorado power boost has been scientifically proven and confirmed by athletes worldwide).
What is the effect of power boost?
conquer fatigue
Reduces chronic fatigue and increases mental performance.
Folic acid, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B3, riboflavin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C – alleviate the symptoms of tiredness and fatigue, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) – improves concentration, zinc – improves cognitive function.
soothes the nerves
Supports the nervous system.
Folic acid, magnesium, niacin, thiamine, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and vitamin C help to normalize mental function.
regenerates the muscles
Calcium, potassium and magnesium improve muscle function.
They are involved in the generation of nerve impulses in the muscle fibers and replenish glycogen, which in turn helps the body recover faster after an effort, while magnesium and zinc accelerate protein synthesis.
Riboflavin is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and helps the absorption of iron, which is needed to create new red blood cells.
stabilizes digestion
Digestive system.
Calcium supports the function of digestive enzymes, and zinc helps to restore normal intestinal flora.
Niacin and riboflavin optimize the function of mucous membranes.
protects the liver
Promotes normal liver function.
Choline, folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 help to keep homocysteine levels within normal limits.
Choline (vitamin B4) – ensures a normal metabolism of fats (lipids) in the liver and brain and keeps liver cells healthy.
preserves your beauty
Gently maintains the beauty of skin, hair and nails.
Niacin and riboflavin help maintain healthy skin and, together with zinc, protect cells from oxidative damage.
Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Selenium and zinc strengthen and stimulate hair and nail growth.
Riboflavin, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc act as powerful antioxidants.
The development of biorado products is centered around a holistic approach to body, mind and soul.
We look at things as a whole, not just at the individual parts.
We strive for harmony and balance in all areas of life in order to achieve true well-being.
biorado power boost was developed in Switzerland over several years on the basis of scientific and peer-reviewed literature. power boost is a unique product due to the optimal combination of amino acids, special ingredients, alkaline salts, electrolytes, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in optimal doses.
The product is completely vegan, so it helps the body in a natural way. It is not genetically modified, free of herbicides and pesticides, and free of gluten and lactose.
Why do we emphasize that biorado power boost is indispensable as a post-workout (a complex taken after training) and as an absorber (a preparation that supports the detoxification of the body)?
after sports
The electrolyte loss caused by sweating has a negative effect on cognitive performance; the muscle tissue becomes “overacidified”, which leads to muscle discomfort and pain. Skin cells are also exposed to oxidative stress, which damages them and leads to premature aging.
after the party
Alcohol consumption puts the brain, liver, stomach, muscles and skin under extreme chemical stress and throws all organ systems out of balance.
Want to dive in deeper? = get your popcorn!
Take off with amino acids, minerals and vitamins from biorado power boost:
The mysterious molecule of longevity. Lowers homocysteine levels in the blood, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, DME, high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack. Scientific studies show that betaine can increase muscle strength, improve endurance and help build muscle mass and accelerate fat loss.
Biotin B7
Biotin B7
Metabolic turbocharger. It not only keeps the brain fit, but also regulates blood sugar levels. It combats heart problems, heart attacks and strokes and does not give thyroid and adrenal gland problems a chance. It is also often referred to as the “beauty vitamin”. It plays an important role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and supplies the skin with protective lipids via the sebaceous glands. Vitamin B7 also helps to maintain skin moisture.
Ein Geheimmittel, das für die geistige Schärfe und die Reinheit des Körpers wirkt. Es fördert die Bildung von Membranen in den Zellen und den Abtransport von Giftstoffen aus dem Körper. Cholin ist ein zuverlässiger Verbündeter im Kampf für die Gesundheit der Leber und die Regulierung des Cholesterin- und Triglyceridspiegels!
A bodybuilder naturally builds muscle and increases his personal strength record. Creatine in the muscles slows down fatigue during short and intense workouts, allowing you to reach your full potential.
Niacin is a personal physician of the nerves and the psyche, as well as the skin and mucous membranes. It is a loyal helper in the fight against fatigue and a secret energy booster for the body that supports the metabolism!
Pantothenic acid B5
Pantothenic acid B5
The energy manager plays a central role in energy metabolism. A main character at the metabolism party, essential for the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, as well as for the production of fatty acids and steroid hormones.
This type keeps the muscles toned and optimizes the fluid balance. Taurine plays a role in physiological processes such as development, energy production, osmotic regulation and the formation of antioxidants.
It is a detox magnet that attracts bacteria, drug and alcohol residues in the body. It acts as an antidote in cases of paracetamol poisoning. Together with zinc and vitamin B, L-cysteine helps prevent brittle hair and nails as well as premature hair loss.
This controller regulates the water content in the cells. During exercise, glutamine helps to increase cell volume by supporting protein and glycogen synthesis. This amino acid also normalizes the nervous system and intestinal function.
Tissue structurer in the body. Improves color, elasticity of the skin, health of hair and nails as it supports keratin synthesis.
A director who creates order on the stage of the brain by increasing the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. This strengthens the memory and resilience in stressful situations.
A source of joy and self-confidence. Helps produce serotonin and resist depression. Serotonin levels play an important role in mood and positivity. A drop in serotonin levels can lead to mood swings, sadness, sleep disorders and even depression.
Your personal anti-stress manager that also supports cognitive function, including thinking and concentration. Phenylalanine is an important factor for the production of tyrosine, which regulates adrenaline and dopamine levels. It plays an important role in fat oxidation for weight loss and in protein production for building muscle mass.
Essential for bone and tooth formation and for the normal functioning of nerves and muscles. The functioning of many enzymes in the body depends on magnesium. Magnesium is also associated with calcium metabolism.
This conductor is important for the proper functioning of many bodily functions and should be present in every orchestra. It plays an important role in blood clotting, muscle and nerve function, the defense against inflammation and allergies, and the functioning of the heart, lungs and kidneys.
This transporter is partly responsible for maintaining osmotic pressure, electrolyte homeostasis and acid-base balance. Potassium also plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses and is therefore important for muscle contractions, heart function and blood pressure regulation.
This personal master of the mind is indispensable for anyone who is very active mentally and wants to improve their mental abilities. It plays an important role in the development of nerve cells and influences the release of messenger substances in the nerve cells and their communication with each other via special receptors and proteins. It also prevents cortisol from entering the cells.
It glows on any surface and promotes the absorption of protein building blocks (amino acids) into the muscles and the enrichment of protein in the body. It supports thyroid function, participates in metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the psyche.
It sits in the traffic control center and helps our metabolism to run smoothly. It’s a shame that zinc doesn’t regulate traffic in the city. The micronutrient supports the regulation of the acid-base balance, helps prevent accidents and promotes wound healing. It ensures that skin, hair and nails grow and remain healthy and strong.
This trace element transports vital oxygen in the bloodstream and is therefore essential for supplying the body’s cells with energy. Without this element, the express train will not reach its full speed.
Coenzym Q10
Coenzym Q10
This pipeline supplies the skin cells with the energy they need to function better, repair and regenerate, and fulfill their basic functions.
This great solute plays an important role in collagen metabolism, brain and nerve function, bone structure, and skin and hair pigmentation. It also influences iron metabolism, oxygen transport and energy metabolism.
Another problem solver of the street, which regulates the energy supply of the cells and plays an important role in the development of connective tissue, cartilage
Your antiviral shield that stimulates the formation of uric acid for metabolism, thus having a bacteriostatic effect and making the immune system resistant to unwanted bacteria.
Is an important regulator of thyroid metabolism and is considered to be an immune system booster. With its immunostimulatory effect, it not only protects against infections but also helps to detoxify heavy metals. It is also said to have a protective effect on the liver.
This health fighter prevents radioactive elements from entering cells. Iodine is lost with salt when we sweat and must be replenished after activity. It regulates and promotes the normal production of thyroid hormones in the body and helps the thyroid gland to function properly. This micronutrient also contributes to normal cognitive function and normal energy metabolism.
Vitamin A
Essential for the functioning of the light-sensitive nerve cells (photoreceptors) in the retina and thus for maintaining night vision. The vitamin also supports the health of the skin and the mucous membranes of the lungs, intestines and urinary tract and protects against infections.
Vitamin B1
Essentiell für die Funktion der lichtempfindlichen Nervenzellen (Photorezeptoren) in der Netzhaut und damit für die Aufrechterhaltung der Nachtsicht. Das Vitamin unterstützt auch die Gesundheit der Haut und der Schleimhäute von Lunge, Darm und Harnwegen und schützt vor Infektionen.
Vitamin B2
Together with coenzymes, it is involved in numerous metabolic reactions, including the respiratory chain, fat and amino acid metabolism and various other vitamins. Also known as riboflavin, it plays an important role in normal cell function, growth and development.
Vitamin B6
Also known as pyridoxine, this is a vitamin with potential and is useful. For normal protein and glycogen metabolism, for the normal function of the immune system, for the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and for the normal formation of red blood cells.
Vitamin B12
It plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes in the body, including the breakdown of fatty acids. Its central role in the metabolism of the vitamin folic acid (folate) also makes it important for blood formation and the development of neural pathways.
Folic acid B9
Necessary for cell division and the formation of new cells. It also plays a role in the metabolism of iron and vitamin B12. Recent results show that folic acid helps to protect against cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin C
It performs numerous tasks and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise, protects cells from oxidative stress, supports collagen formation and the function of blood vessels (bones, cartilage, gums, skin, teeth) and can reduce fatigue. It is also involved in the production of certain intermediate products and hormones and influences wound healing.
Vitamin E
As one of the most important defense vitamins, it is present in every cell of the body. It intercepts radicals that attack fatty acids in the body’s cells. It therefore contributes greatly to the protection of blood vessels and against arteriosclerosis.
Biorado Sachet
Vitamins and other ingredients lose their potency and become rancid due to reactions with moisture, air and light. Each serving of Power Boost is packaged in a light and airtight aluminum bag that preserves quality. The aluminum packaging is impermeable to moisture, air and light, resistant to high and low temperatures, sterile and does not react with the contents. This is what makes Power Boost different from most known complexes.

power boost | Per sachet (15.6 g) | ||
mg | % DV* | ||
L-Cysteine | L-цистеин | 400 | |
L-Glutamin | L-глутамин | 2500 | |
L-Methionine | L-метионин | 5 | |
L-Phenylalanine | L-фенилаланин | 200 | |
L-Tryptophan | L-триптофан | 100 | |
L-Tyrosine | L-тирозин | 500 | |
Betaine | Бетаин | 420 | |
Creatine | Креатин | 2000 | |
Taurine | Таурин | 2000 | |
Coenzym Q10 | Коэнзим Q10 | 15 | |
Calcium | Кальций | 250 | 31% |
Choline | Холин | 100 | |
Chrome | Хром | 0.05 | 125% |
Copper | Медь | 1 | 100% |
Iron | Железо | 5 | 36% |
Magnesium | Магний | 150 | 40% |
Manganese | Марганец | 0.4 | 20% |
Molybdenum | Молибден | 0.05 | 100% |
Potassium | Калий | 300 | 15% |
Selenium | Селен | 0.02 | 37% |
Zinc | Цинк | 5 | 50% |
Jod | Йод | 0.1 | 50% |
Vitamin A | Витамин А | 0.8 | 100% |
Vitamin B1 | Витамин B1 | 3 | 273% |
Vitamin B2 | Витамин B2 | 3.5 | 250% |
Vitamin B3 | Витамин B3 | 20 | 125% |
Vitamin B5 | Витамин B5 | 18 | 300% |
Vitamin B6 | Витамин B6 | 5 | 357% |
Vitamin B7 | Витамин B7 | 0.15 | 301% |
Vitamin B9 | Витамин B9 | 0.4 | 200% |
Vitamin B12 | Витамин B12 | 0.01 | 399% |
Vitamin C | Витамин C | 250 | 313% |
Vitamin E | Витамин E | 36 | 300% |
Citric acid | Лимонная кислота | 500 | |
Dextrose | Декстроза | 1526 | |
Lemon juice powder | Порошок лимонного сока | 1500 | |
Natural lemon aroma | Натуральный лимонный аромат | 150 | |
Sucralose | Сукралоза | 7.2 | |
Stevia | Стевия | 6 |

Triple kick! All three boosts in the combo set.
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Additional information
Weight | 0.4 kg |
Dimensions | 160 × 55 × 100 cm |